503 research outputs found

    On the SCALE Algorithm for Multiuser Multicarrier Power Spectrum Management

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    This paper studies the successive convex approximation for low complexity (SCALE) algorithm, which was proposed to address the weighted sum rate (WSR) maximized dynamic power spectrum management (DSM) problem for multiuser multicarrier systems. To this end, we first revisit the algorithm, and then present geometric interpretation and properties of the algorithm. A geometric programming (GP) implementation approach is proposed and compared with the low-complexity approach proposed previously. In particular, an analytical method is proposed to set up the default lower-bound constraints added by a GP solver. Finally, numerical experiments are used to illustrate the analysis and compare the two implementation approaches.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures; IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 60, no. 9, Sep. 201

    Joint Estimation of the Time Delay and the Clock Drift and Offset Using UWB signals

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    We consider two transceivers, the first with perfect clock and the second with imperfect clock. We investigate the joint estimation of the delay between the transceivers and the offset and the drift of the imperfect clock. We propose a protocol for the synchronization of the clocks. We derive some empirical estimators for the delay, the offset and the drift, and compute the Cramer-Rao lower bounds and the joint maximum likelihood estimator of the delay and the drift. We study the impact of the protocol parameters and the time-of-arrival estimation variance on the achieved performances. We validate some theoretical results by simulation.Comment: Accepted and published in the IEEE ICC 2014 conferenc

    Sum Rate Maximized Resource Allocation in Multiple DF Relays Aided OFDM Transmission

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    In relay-aided wireless transmission systems, one of the key issues is how to decide assisting relays and manage the energy resource at the source and each individual relay, to maximize a certain objective related to system performance. This paper addresses the sum rate maximized resource allocation (RA) problem in a point to point orthogonal frequency division modulation (OFDM) transmission system assisted by multiple decode-and-forward (DF) relays, subject to the individual sum power constraints of the source and the relays. In particular, the transmission at each subcarrier can be in either the direct mode without any relay assisting, or the relay-aided mode with one or several relays assisting. We propose two RA algorithms which optimize the assignment of transmission mode and source power for every subcarrier, as well as the assisting relays and the power allocation to them for every {relay-aided} subcarrier. First, it is shown that the considered RA problem has zero Lagrangian duality gap when there is a big number of subcarriers. In this case, a duality based algorithm that finds a globally optimum RA is developed. Second, a coordinate-ascent based iterative algorithm, which finds a suboptimum RA but is always applicable regardless of the duality gap of the RA problem, is developed. The effectiveness of these algorithms has been illustrated by numerical experiments.Comment: 13 pages in two-column format, 10 figures, to appear in IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communication

    On the Optimum Energy Efficiency for Flat-fading Channels with Rate-dependent Circuit Power

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    This paper investigates the optimum energy efficiency (EE) and the corresponding spectral efficiency (SE) for a communication link operating over a flat-fading channel. The EE is evaluated by the total energy consumption for transmitting per message bit. Three channel cases are considered, namely static channel with channel state information available at transmitter (CSIT), fast-varying (FV) channel with channel distribution information available at transmitter (CDIT), and FV channel with CSIT. A general circuit power model is considered. For all the three channel cases, the tradeoff between the EE and SE is studied. It is shown that the EE improves strictly as the SE increases from 0 to the optimum SE, and then strictly degrades as the SE increases beyond the optimum SE. The impact of {\kappa}, {\rho} and other system parameters on the optimum EE and corresponding SE is investigated to obtain insight.Some of the important and interesting results for all the channel cases include: (1) when {\kappa} increases the SE corresponding to the optimum EE should keep unchanged if {\phi}(R) = R, but reduced if {\phi}(R) is strictly convex of R; (2) when the rate-independent circuit power {\rho} increases, the SE corresponding to the optimum EE has to be increased. A polynomial-complexity algorithm is developed with the bisection method to find the optimum SE. The insight is corroborated and the optimum EE for the three cases are compared by simulation results.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, to appear in IEEE Transactions on Communication

    Robust Sum MSE Optimization for Downlink Multiuser MIMO Systems with Arbitrary Power Constraint: Generalized Duality Approach

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    This paper considers linear minimum meansquare- error (MMSE) transceiver design problems for downlink multiuser multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems where imperfect channel state information is available at the base station (BS) and mobile stations (MSs). We examine robust sum mean-square-error (MSE) minimization problems. The problems are examined for the generalized scenario where the power constraint is per BS, per BS antenna, per user or per symbol, and the noise vector of each MS is a zero-mean circularly symmetric complex Gaussian random variable with arbitrary covariance matrix. For each of these problems, we propose a novel duality based iterative solution. Each of these problems is solved as follows. First, we establish a novel sum average meansquare- error (AMSE) duality. Second, we formulate the power allocation part of the problem in the downlink channel as a Geometric Program (GP). Third, using the duality result and the solution of GP, we utilize alternating optimization technique to solve the original downlink problem. To solve robust sum MSE minimization constrained with per BS antenna and per BS power problems, we have established novel downlink-uplink duality. On the other hand, to solve robust sum MSE minimization constrained with per user and per symbol power problems, we have established novel downlink-interference duality. For the total BS power constrained robust sum MSE minimization problem, the current duality is established by modifying the constraint function of the dual uplink channel problem. And, for the robust sum MSE minimization with per BS antenna and per user (symbol) power constraint problems, our duality are established by formulating the noise covariance matrices of the uplink and interference channels as fixed point functions, respectively.Comment: IEEE TSP Journa

    Linear Transceiver design for Downlink Multiuser MIMO Systems: Downlink-Interference Duality Approach

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    This paper considers linear transceiver design for downlink multiuser multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems. We examine different transceiver design problems. We focus on two groups of design problems. The first group is the weighted sum mean-square-error (WSMSE) (i.e., symbol-wise or user-wise WSMSE) minimization problems and the second group is the minimization of the maximum weighted mean-squareerror (WMSE) (symbol-wise or user-wise WMSE) problems. The problems are examined for the practically relevant scenario where the power constraint is a combination of per base station (BS) antenna and per symbol (user), and the noise vector of each mobile station is a zero-mean circularly symmetric complex Gaussian random variable with arbitrary covariance matrix. For each of these problems, we propose a novel downlink-interference duality based iterative solution. Each of these problems is solved as follows. First, we establish a new mean-square-error (MSE) downlink-interference duality. Second, we formulate the power allocation part of the problem in the downlink channel as a Geometric Program (GP). Third, using the duality result and the solution of GP, we utilize alternating optimization technique to solve the original downlink problem. For the first group of problems, we have established symbol-wise and user-wise WSMSE downlink-interference duality.Comment: IEEE TSP Journa

    Max-Min SNR Signal Energy based Spectrum Sensing Algorithms for Cognitive Radio Networks with Noise Variance Uncertainty

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    This paper proposes novel spectrum sensing algorithms for cognitive radio networks. By assuming known transmitter pulse shaping filter, synchronous and asynchronous receiver scenarios have been considered. For each of these scenarios, the proposed algorithm is explained as follows: First, by introducing a combiner vector, an over-sampled signal of total duration equal to the symbol period is combined linearly. Second, for this combined signal, the Signal-to-Noise ratio (SNR) maximization and minimization problems are formulated as Rayleigh quotient optimization problems. Third, by using the solutions of these problems, the ratio of the signal energy corresponding to the maximum and minimum SNRs are proposed as a test statistics. For this test statistics, analytical probability of false alarm (PfP_f) and detection (PdP_d) expressions are derived for additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel. The proposed algorithms are robust against noise variance uncertainty. The generalization of the proposed algorithms for unknown transmitter pulse shaping filter has also been discussed. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed algorithms achieve better PdP_d than that of the Eigenvalue decomposition and energy detection algorithms in AWGN and Rayleigh fading channels with noise variance uncertainty. The proposed algorithms also guarantee the desired Pf(Pd)P_f(P_d) in the presence of adjacent channel interference signals
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